Frequently asked questions

Yes of course, please contact us for take passivew on MT4

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Because we want you to understand where you are investing, we want you to understand the formula and understand that the money you invest in us is safe and low risk. We want you to avoid losing money in this market

We always want to help people to earn profits and always want to connect people together

We have spent many years researching since 2017 and started sharing it with investors at the end of 2019. The Bigwave bot has been effective for the past few years and has helped investors reap a lot of profits for many years

Bigwave does not keep our customer funds, each customer keeps his own capital. You register your account with a secure password on FXprimus. apart from you,no one can withdraw your money from your Fxprimus account.

In the Forex market, there are very few developers of Semi Automatic trading robots like Bigwave. Bots are created by humans, so the most important thing is whether the Bot creators aim to create value for everyone or just focus on only benefit themselves. Having the right mindset is very important in building a long-term career in this field.

There’s only one case in the last 6 years that Bot made a profit of 4% that month. Other months, up to now, have made steady profits of 5-10%.

When joining Bigwave, you will be assured of sharing about risks and methods of making profits from Bigwave Bot. Therefore, almost more than 1000 Bots used throughout the years have not suffffered any fund loss.

In business or investment, there is no concept of guaranteed profit but we always aim for safety and sustainable profit. During the past many years, the profit hasbeen steady at 5-10%/month.